Difference between online and offline workout training (gym)

As we know that our economy was doing very good but suddenly the coronavirus 19 has impacted the whole world and leads to so many disastrous changes in the economy, technology ,people and their lives also impacted . Many regular or full-time earners have lost their jobs which was the only means for their survival and their family . When we talk about the fitness trainers who also loss their job and many of them do not have so much salary or a very high package of salary .So we can see that they have suffered a lot due to this Coronavirus 

Everything is gone bad but one thing has been good that people are going online and so many things are promoted to do online like- online payments, trainings ,classes ,meetings etc. In this blog we will simply discuss about the primary difference between online and off-line training that in what way online is good and in what way offline training is good 

1 LOACTION - If we talk in first point then in off-line training we know that many people have to go there location for learning . sometimes it is not feasible maybe due to the rain, bad weather is mood etc .So here with online learning a great option to learn anywhere ,anytime with just having a good speed of internet . Many people do not present in their home and present anywhere in the world . They can have their online classes and lear. So when a fitness trainer provide videos to their clients like how to perform basic yoga exercises or cardio sessions then it can be cope up by their students by online training. 

IT ALSO HAS FLEXIBILITY because by this, trainer can also support via email WhatsApp or online chat system.

3 IT ALSO SAVES THE BUDGET- because so many people unable to provide high level of personal training fee to their trainers because in many gym the fee is quite high but with online training with many options and  discount ,people can have accessibility even with the low fees

4 WELL ORGANISED- The fourth thing here is that in online system everything is organised like if one time video is prepared like how to perform shoulder exercises then it can be listened and practised anywhere.

But instead of having so many advantage there also lot of disadvantage for online training because-

 1 NO PERSONAL ATTENTITION-Gymming or any fitness session requires some special attention for the body . If trainers are nearby then people do it well and they have a fear that if they do not perform good workout then they make be scolded by trainers and trainers can have also a good watch on them

2 LACK OF SCHEDULE- Online learners may do not have discipline of attending daily classes . They might delay because of some party, have a night out or any kind of distractions 

3 CONNECTIVITY-  Sometime also there is lack of connectivity of internet which might hamper regular training and achieving the goals whether it is fat loss or muscle gain 

4 POSITIVE VIBE- Many type of the exercise are also performed in group let’s say the Zumba classes which are all always done in group and they are always done in a positive environment so that everybody is motivated with a track of music but it might not be a good idea to do it with the online sessions . Sometime the good music and vibe around us makes us move and it is beneficial for our body but in while sitting in a room on a chair and just watching the video might not lead to you to go and run your ass on the treadmill

5 COMPETITVE ENVIRONMENT- If we go to off-line gym but having a goal like fat loss or muscle gain then the environment around us motivate us and to do a push for one more repititions. So a competitive environment is required but while sitting in the room and watching the motivational videos may not work for everyone 

So it’s whether online or off-line classes , it’s the choice of personal selection on the basis of points what I mentioned above but I prefer personally to go off-line classes because at last we are social animals and we love to interact and making connections with our fitness goals

I hope you like the content what I have described in the simple points and run for yourself because no one will do it for you!


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