why rickshawpullers(Rickshaw wala) and labors(majdoor) are more muscular?

It's very obvious that whenever we see labour doing masonry work in India or anywhere, a Rikshawala pulling rickshaw, we find their body very muscular and well shaped. Veins popping out from their arms. Then suddenly a question comes in our mind that how these persons have a decent physique without having a proper nutrition and exercise.
Rickshaw puller, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, 1966
Let Me Tell you a story then you might get to know that why I am saying that their body is well shaped. When I was a kid,a labour used to work at my house. His name was Basu. When I first noticed him, with shredded 6 packs, egg-shaped biceps(fully rounded), then I ran towards my father and ask- 'papa how Basu is having very good body but you don't have', then papa laughs and said- it's not body, it's actually weakness and start laughing. But whatever the situation was at that point in time, I really got motivated to make a body like him.
some time in the gym also many boys tease their friends and making fun of them by saying why are you wasting money and time, "Even a rickshawala has a better body than you".This type of sarcasm many body builders have to face sometime in their life.

So coming back to the topic, here are 3 best reasons why they are having small but muscular frame:-
1>GENETICALLY GOOD-First thing we should know that their genetics are good because they live in villages, they sleep at right time, the meal is very simple and they are physically laborious by born, so they are gifted with good physique.

2>CALORIE MAINTAINENECE-We will never see any labour or Rikshawala having very broad shoulders with big thighs and big arms. They are having muscular but small frame due to their meals, which mostly consists of carbohydrate and that only give them fuel to work for the whole day without fatigue and exhausted. But as we all know to build muscle mass, we need a good amount of protein and fats in our food and also our body needs to be in caloric surplus. They are not getting enough protein in their meals and they just maintain their caloric needs by consuming mostly carbohydrates and very less amount of protein and good fats.
Working in teams, men and women load baskets of coal onto trucks that are waiting to carry it to coal depots or clients throughout India. The use of people for this work is just one example of the human sacrifice that happens in the coal industry of less-developed countries where labor is cheaper than machines.

3>ENDURANCE ACTIVITIES-Exercise has its various types like-endurance, strength training, powerlifting etc. Endurance is an exercise which increases your breathing and heart rate. Examples are walking, jogging, running etc. It helps in burning calorie at a faster rate as compared to other types of training. Labours and Rikshawala generally do endurance activities in the whole day like pulling rickshaw, physical labour etc. So it helps them to retain their small muscular frame.

But still whatever the case it is, whenever we see them, their physical fitness always motivated us. Their hard labour and consistent efforts also push us to go and hit the gym to achieve a better and decent physique.


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