4 best ways to make your heart younger and healthier

will make this blog as simple so that anyone can easily understand . just try to go to it and find your best way to make heart healthier and younger

As we all know that our whole working system of brain, body works with the help of our heart . Heart if we talk in logical way( not like love kind of️) basically pumps the blood across the body and makes it working so in this blog we will try to find some basic hacks which makes our hearts more healthier and make us live more longer-

1. By lowering your stress levels- First and foremost as we know that in our today’s society as we are moving very fast with so many job ,business and family problems are also arising and in this we are ignoring our stress levels and makes it as high as possible

 .This leads to have more pressure on heart .As a simple data across the globe around 17.8mn people are dying of heart related diseases, Another reason is that due to lack of sleep because of our boss pressure to complete the work within the time and hectic schedules .So try to take less stress as much as possible because if we talk in simple terms then what to do with that money if health is not good so we should not over stress. Also it is your lifetime earnings for future and growth and they are not supposed to spend only for operations and health checkups. Think it! 

2 Eat and sleep well- Nobody is telling you to do hard core exercises like doing deadlifts, doing squats, shoulder presses etc . It’s just the basic things is what you require to your heart for make it healthy . Some cardio tips like running, cycling high-intensity interval training (HIIT) will be very effective. Another best thing you can do for your heart is to do meditation and yoga . They both are scientifically proven to improve your concentration power and blood circulation in the body as well.  When it comes to your diet always ensure to have proper macros in your food .Your macros include protein, fats and carbohydrates and when it comes to fat then take unsaturated fats which are good for your heart like Almonds, Soyabean oil ,peanut butter etc. Also consume good amount of water, fruits and green veggies in diet

3 Don’t smoke, and drink in moderation amount- Yes it is hard to say that we cannot totally ignore the drinking party of our best friend so it is not said that you should stop drinking but always do it in the moderation so that it does not affect your overall functioning of body and your heart and when it comes to smoking never touch it man! You are completely inviting your death or I can say a painful death 

4 Last and simple tips always do simple checkups- A regular visit to your doctors and simple check ups does not only ensure the good functioning of your heart but it will need to have all the premature help in finding the symptoms . Because sometime we can just have by having simple precaution can save our future money as well as health . For example so many cancer stages are if initially identified then can be cure in best possible way

REMEMBER- if your heart is happier then your whole body will get benefit from it. so never compromise ! 


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