How long it takes to develop 6 packs for Indian body type

All of us sometime in our life have a dream of decent physique with broad shoulder,big biceps etc. Whether these achieved or not but we must have a dream of six packs. Even at some point of time it was also my goal(however i have achieved it today).So let's talk about how long it will take to develop it.Actually to appear it(because all of us have six packs but sadly it is covered by a fat layer)
So below are best 6 ways to develop it-

1> Remember every person has different body structure which means different body fat percentage,metabolism,daily activities. So they require workout accordingly to reach their goal.

Image result for good diet
2>It will totally depend on your good diet, sleep and exercise .As Indian economy is growing at a faster pace ,we are becoming more smart and laborious . But at the same time we are not taking good sleep and diet. A research conducted on Indians also said that 70% Indians lack of protein in their food.Hence these three are most important and should be followed in a scheduled and disciplined way . Supplements are your choice to add it or not because it will work only if above three are followed properly.

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3>Remember guys some Indian trainers also claims that it can be achieved in  1-2 weeks , which is totally wrong . Fat loss happens at a rate of 0.4-0.6%body fat/week . If your body fat percentage comes down under 10% then 6 packs will automatically starts appearing.

Image result for squats and skipping]

4>Focus more on compound exercise. because it involves more muscle group at same time and help in fat loss in very faster way. Exercises for this can be- Squats,Dead lift,Bench press etc.You can also do Skkiping , Crossfit exercise and Zumba.

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5>There is also very general question that among peoples that,can i build only six pack without training whole body part and they start focusing only on abs crunches. They continuously do crunches 50-100 reps per set without even thinking that this .Actually it ultimately causes back pain  for them . Have patience for what you are doing -"ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY". Focus on various types and forms of exercises.

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6>Last but not the least, please avoid sugary, processed and fried foods. I understand it is going to be difficult to start because we Indian grown up by eating sweets . So avoid these  for getting better results in a faster way because they create hindrance.

Image result for body fat calliper

So what are you waiting for! just go to any website and order a good body fat caliper ,check your body fat percentage and work accordingly . ALL THE BEST


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