4 important tips stay fit and motivated in this Lockdown(Covid -19)

I Will keep this blog as simple as it can be so that it can easily be grasped . As we know that the Coronavirus has hit across the world and not leave any country . So many people have died already and many countries already impose the lockdown in the country due to which many people are unable to get out of their house . They can’t do the normal things because they have lost their jobs . As we know that Corona virus is deadly and we need immunity for fighting . This virus mostly affecting more aged people or who have a less immunity. So I have shared some good  and basic tips that can be followed and used to stay fit in this lock down and revert the infection of this virus further -

1 First and foremost thing
never leave your exercise - Exercise does not only means that to lift heavy like dead lift ,shoulder presses etc .you can do basic yoga ,meditation ,some movements like running in near fields ( if possible)easy exercises .You can order simple basic equipments from Online websites like Dumbells, barbells and do basic excise at home . This will not improve only your immunity but the mindset to get motivated and perform well in this lock down. Do the simple exercise but motivate the whole family to join with you . You can also do some terrace workout with your family and friends. Old age people can do some flexibility exercises to stretch their joints and do various yoga poses for well functioning of heart and mind

2 Second and the most important tip is to maintain a healthy diet- It’s not needed and even required for everyone to have a complete knowledge about calorie , protein percentage in body or micro nutrients. Just having a basic immunity boosters like in morning lemon luke warm water. For fat cutting you can go for basic Apple vinegar juice or lemon honey combination with lukewarm water. Another thing is to maintain high-quality protein in the body . You don’t need to take a very huge amount of supplement powders or high-quality . Just need basic protein requirements like eating from eggs chicken , peanut butter etc. If you are vegan then you can can go for Soyabean ,soya chunks, Paneer , tofu, curd etc . Also ensure to sip hot liquid drinks whole day. It can be a immunity booster kadha( The Indian recipe) , tea, coffee etc 

3 Third thing is that always try to motivate yourself by  watching motivational videos ,reading blogs talking with people around you because this time you might get depressed by staying in home everytime . Please stay away from fake news or so many news channels because this can distract you and create a nuisance around you. We cannot change the coronavirus spreading but we can control the fake news and spreading . So try to create a positive environment around you . 

4 Enjoy family time - If you look at the Coronavirus positive side then one thing as good happened that we all get a good family time. So try to take less stress in this time and enjoy this moment because this time might never come .Give your family full attention and do not over stress for your work. 

This are some basic tips to stay fit and motivated in this lock down and  I’m sure you will like this content

This is only one life -try to make it as best as it can be!


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