Can teenage(in what age) is the right time to start workout?

Meet Rebekah Tiler, Britains strongest schoolgirl who can lift almost 20 stone. The mighty teenager can heave a colossal 123kg over her head and has broken over 200 weightlifting records - most of them her own - and she's still only 15 years old. The British weightlifting champion from Denham, Yorkshire has been lifting since she was 12 years old and can outlift competitors almost twice her age. Rebekah, a former sprint runner, won gold in a record breaking performance.Joining a gym and doing the workout is becoming trending in nowadays many people of different ages having different goals hit the gym accordingly. As we all know it clearly that teenage is the time that is mostly responsible for drastic changes physically and mentally. While children and move towards their puberty they have different hormonal changes like deepness and shrillness in their voice, hair growth on various parts of the body.

Now come back to the topic that, is the teenage is the right time to start working out?
The answer here is complete yes, that means teenager can start his or her workout because it is the only age when seriously provision if taken care of, the result will be very good. This is the time when bone density and height increases. Growing this phase, there is a need to be a proper balance of diet and exercise to achieve better results.But in this job and working era, we have completely forgotten the exercise and fitness for the kids and force them only to study thinking that there is no scope in fitness. We should never forget that fitness is a lifestyle and should not as job perspective. It is our body hence it is solely our responsibility to take care of it. By involving our children in any sports activity(outdoor games) will make them smarter physically as well as mentally.

 It is said that every coin has two sides, So here are also some do and don'ts regarding diet and workout for teenagers which should be followed properly before planning of doing exercise.


1.FLEXIBILITY EXERCISES-focus on flexibility type exercises like skipping, stretching. These are also group exercises and help your children to work out with the group of friends because he/she might not get comfortable to workout alone. Skipping and stretching can have various benefits for children like help in making heart function better, develops team skills which will benefit them in the future.

Nutrients are needed for growth, metabolism, and for other vital functions. Macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs) are needed in large amounts. Click to learn all about it!2.MACRO AND MICRO NUTRIENTS-Focus on the best quality of proteins, carbohydrates and fats which come from Natural sources and avoid using supplements, because at this point of time the developing hormone(testosterone, progesterone, estrogen) releasing in the body is at its peak so result will be much better if done by following a natural diet. Also don't forget to give them micronutrients like essential vitamins (A, C, D, E, K) and minerals.

3. CROSSFIT-The exercises which can be done and mostly to be focussed are cardio exercises like cycling, running, CrossFit but try to avoid the type of exercises which includes more of  spinal chord  because if spine compresses more, then it may hampers growth .because is connected with the central nervous system(CNS), and CNS is the operator of the whole body. Try to guide them in increasing their push ups, pull ups and strength developing.

4.GUIDANCE AND PROVISION-The last and the most important thing is that there must be guidance or provision when children are doing any physical activity because at this point of time the hormonal levels are very high so they might do things in excitation which may cause severe injury like wrongly lifting weights or running very fast. It should be done by following proper rules and these must be taken care of!

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1.PHYSICAL COMPARISION-Do not compare that them with other children because each child has his/her own genetics, their own development of the body. Let us suppose that two children-one is having height 5'8" inches and another is having 6'. Don't push the first child to do more and more stretching exercises, pull-ups and heavy lifting as it may worsen the results. The second child may grow in a different environment, with different diet and nutrition. Hence they must not be compared.
Helena Wu 335lb Deadlift
2.AVOID HEAVY LIFTING-Never force them or allow them to do powerlifting or weightlifting exercises because this requires maturity of bones and muscles which is developed totally when you are having 16+. So try to focus on basic movements and joint exercises. If your child is planning to be a bodybuilder in the future or to have a decent physique then you have to train them with right weights and should not be in hurry them to lift heavy weights. Try to ignore heavy exercises like squats and shoulder presses to have less chance of injury of the spinal cord. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger said in an interview that, he started working out in 16.

Children are not only innocent and curious but also optimistic and joyful and essentially happy. Try to put this in a good direction so that they can come up with flying colors.


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