How smoking effects our health and fitness goals

Whenever we get a chance, we never forget to have a cigarette, whether between lunch, during a hangout with friends or in pleasure time. At every place and time, we find reasons to smoke. We are addicted to cigarettes in such a way that it is like important for survival like food and water. By holding a cigarette we think that we look cool in front of our friends and forget our precious life. In my point of view, it's an open invitation to death. Cigarette consumption is increasing day by day and the health effects on the body are increasing at the same rate. According to data, more than 40% of Indians are suffering from lung cancer due to cigarette consumption. Whenever we go for a movie, we see that our brother Mukesh who gave up his life by repetitively saying to stop smoking but we are taking his message in a very light manner. Why are we taking it in a casual approach
The Effects of Smoking on CrossFit | Box Life Magazine
In below 4 points I would like to discuss how it affects our health.

1>EFFECTS ON STAMINA LEVELS-First and foremost thing there is that cigarette contains nicotine that is an addictive drug and that forces you to take it again. So people consume a full packet or maybe two packets cigarette in a day and it affects their endurance and stamina levels which causes them to feel tired very easily by doing even very less amount of work.

2>EFFECT ON SEX LIFE-It also affects a person's sex life because continuous consumption of cigarettes causes lack of formation of a male hormone called testosterone and if a person having a low level of testosterone then his performance will not be good in bed with his/her partner. By continuous consumption of cigarette causes shrinking of veins and if veins got shrunk that means less amount of blood will flow and if there is less amount of blood flow in various parts of our body then many problems start occurring even to private parts like less erection, low mood etc.

3>EFFECT ON FITNESS GOALS-Fitness athlete who needs to have a good endurance level to perform long. If he/she is consuming more amount of cigarettes then he/she might not give up its best because by heavy consumption of cigarettes causes decrease in oxygen consumption of lungs up to 30% than a normal person which means 30% less oxygen is flowing through their blood and if there is less blood flow in their body then the nutrients flow also be lesser which means less energy and many time feel low tendency and this ultimately effects on performance.
4>PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS-By continuous consuming cigarettes over a long period of time affects the mental capability. The second effect I would like to clear from example- suppose a family who nurtures their child with full care and nourishment. But the children somehow got an addiction to cigarettes. So over a long period of time suppose he got lung cancer. Now imagine the situation of the family like how the family will break down and their mental state. So it is not only about changing yourself but also gifting a new life to your family.
So I am not saying to stop smoking cigarette in just one day because it will affect you mentally. Try to Slow it Down day by day week by week, month by month and you will see the result. If you are consuming 10 cigarettes in a day, then cut it down to around 7-8 cigarettes.
The next week bring it down to 3-5 and lastly come to one. Whether you are a bodybuilder or a normal person, it really doesn't matter, the important thing here is that it is one life and I actually called precious life. Don't waste it on bad activities. You need to see your grandchildren growing, their marriage and happiness which is waiting for you. Just think about it again and stop smoking!!!


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