Desi ghee- good or bad for health?

Whenever we heard the word ghee,it reminds of our Dadi Maa handmade desi ghee which had various benefits.It remind us of all those childhood days when we used to have it on chapati,dal and rice.It made them more tastier to eat.But as we grow,we came to know that,if we eat ghee in more amount or suppose even a spoon,we are going to gain weight. What is the truth behind it?

Related imageSo, before starting the topic we should know that there are three types of fat we call it as saturated,unsaturated and poly saturated.Saturated fat is not considered to be good for our heart because it increases cholesterol levels and that links to various types of heart related diseases.Now at second number there are two types of fat called unsaturated and poly saturated.They are considered to be the best for heart.Generally Doctor recommends that in a day 75 to 80% of total fat should come from your unsaturated and poly saturated source and fats.Rest of the fat should come from your police saturated fat source.Examples of unsaturated and poly saturated fat can be cashew,almonds,peanuts,olive oil etc and examples of saturated fat are Ghee,butter,coconut oil etc.

Now let's talk about 5 most imporant benefits of desi ghee-
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1>MUSCLE BUILDING GOALS-It is very good for muscle building goals.Research also shows that fat comes from saturated source help in increasing muscle building hormone(male hormone) called testosterone which cause for muscle growth.
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2>ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS-It is made of cow milk .It contains lot of Omega 3 fatty acids and hence helps in controlling the making of free radicals.It also has Vitamin A and so many minerals.
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3>HELPS IN LOSING WEIGHT-When someone is losing weight they are generally said not to eat ghee because it will create hindrance in fat loss but is not totally true we need good fats as well as saturated fat also.We actually need to avoid  oily and processed foods.Also burger,fries etc.
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4>GOOD FOR SKIN-Helps in smoothening the skin as it contains various types of fatty acids and natural medicine agents that do wonders to skin by applying it on a regular basis and the most important thing about ghee is that,it is suitable to all type of skin whether it is dry, regular or oily.
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5.DRAWBACK-The only drawback of the ghee is that it increases cholesterol level if it is taken in high amount that is,more than 15 to 20% of total fat.So for healthy life you can take from 1-2 spoon in a day so that it can be beneficial to your body in various ways

Now what are you waiting for , you can relive those Dadi maa desi ghee but the only condition is just go and bring the best Desi Ghee from genuine source or home made and enjoy the benefits.


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