Best time to hit the gym-MORNING OR EVENING?

7 ways to become the person who works out at 6am
As we start workout as a beginner, we generally plan our muscle building and fat loss goals within 1-2 months, which might not be feasible naturally. But as time passes we observe some people doing a workout in the morning and some in the evening and it really creates confusion. When we ask them that, when is the best time to workout to achieve the best results? Some Says morning suits them and rest says evening suits them. So what is the best time for the workout in the gym to really get good benefit out of it?

Many people prefer morning workout over evening workout because of the below pros-
(i)>In morning, there is less crowd in the gym.
(ii)>It is generally suggested that doing cardio or high-intensity interval training[HIIT] exercises can benefit them.
(iii)>The best thing about the morning workout is that people are away from their phone calls, doorbells and noise. So concentration is at its peak.
(iv)>They are mentally alert and activated for the whole day, because of their workout.

When it comes to consequences of the morning workout, below are the points which are generally considered-
(i)>Proper warm-up is required because if it is not done in a proper way, then there is a high chance of injury.
(ii)>It will be difficult for working-class people because sometimes they work late in Night and they sleep in late at night, so waking up in the morning becomes an uphill task for them.
(iii)>When we wake up in the morning, the glucose level is very low and it is not beneficial to lift heavy in the morning. Energy supplied is generally low as compared to other time.
(iv)>many people also take one meal before the workout. Let say if anybody having a workout at 7 a.m. then he takes his first meal at 6:00 a.m. thinking that it will get digested and he will get the energy, but the truth exactly is not that. Only simple sugar can release energy in the fastest form not heavy fat for proteins. So it is generally suggested that if you are doing the morning workout, take only simple sugar before workout which gets easily digested and provide you energy during the workout.
a man is deadlifting in a gym
EVENING WORKOUT- mostly people prefer to workout in the evening and below are the positive reasons like-
(i)>After doing whole day work they get relaxation and stress down in the gym.
(ii)>By lifting weights and doing exercise in the evening, time is not a constraint because they are done with all work and they work out according to their plan.
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(iii)>Third thing is they have enough to 2-3 meals, so they are full of energy and which give them positive mindset to lift heavy or do some good cardio exercises and the best thing about evening workout is that they sleep in the night with full relaxation.

But as we know if something has a good side then it also has some bad side. Hence here are some consequences of evening workout
(i)>They might not be able to attend so many parties and functions.
(ii)>They will feel some kind of laziness after their workout because they have already done their office or college work and then they are hitting the gym so it might get them down.

As we know every coin has two sides, similarly both workouts have some good sides and bad sides. But if we compare them relatively, evening workout is best. Still, there is not any hard strict rule to follow evening workout. If you are comfortable with morning workout then it is also comfortable. Ultimately what matters is the result and it will be same on your body whether it will be evening or morning workout.


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