5 best evergreen exercises at home for every gender

In today's fast and hectic life we rarely get good time for us and for our family.All day of assiduous working and Boss scolding  makes us so depressed that we only think of weekend to have some good time.So arranging time in this busy schedule for exercise is a herculean task.But if we go deeply inside it and calculate the actual time that we invest in exercise,we will find a shocking result that 1 hour out of 24 hour is only equal to around 4% of total day.So the question here is can't we invest just 4% of our day for ourselves or for a better life because it is our body hence it is our responsibility to take care of it.

Here are 5 most important exercises that anybody can do from anywhere for a fit and active life-
How to do Push-ups

1>Push ups- It is one of the oldest but effective exercise.It is a compound Movement in which many body parts are included and by having a good number of push ups like around 30 reps with of 3-5 sets will be very helpful.It is effective in increasing chest and arm muscle and also help in making you stronger and the best thing about it is that it doesn't require any setup,just you and your body weight.
Increase Squat Strength With These 70 Quick Tips

2 Squats- It is also compound movement and multi joint exercise for targeting all important leg Squats muscles like hips.glutes,quadriceps and hamstrings.It will not only help in developing good legs but also helpful in developing core area.When it comes to internal development,it also helps in increasing hormones that is responsible for  human growth and muscle growth hormone that we called testosterone.As a beginner you can start with 50-100 reps per sets with free weight and as your strength increases just add weights accordingly.
3>Crunches- We also called it abs crunches and whether you ignore it or love it but probably done a lot over the years but may don't get desired results.The main reason behind that we only focus on how many times or how many reps we are doing it but we ignore the proper form and as a result we ultimately end with back pain and so many difficulties.If it is done in a proper way then it will target the rectus abdominis or are what we called "six pack" muscles that run along of front to torso.It will also help in reducing belly fat and help in improving sexy look of core which will ultimately make you attractive.
Plank Variations
4>Plank- Waiting for your boyfriend/girlfriend,waiting for reply from your crush and holding a position of Plank-all three requires lot of patience.In the first look plank position looks so easy,but as time passes you will beg to your trainer to release the position.So talking about its benifits-It is very effective in developing your inner core and along with that it helps in developing abdominis multifidus and pelvic floor.It is important also because it controls and supports your Spine and if spine is fine you will do all work in a very comfortable and efficient way.So don't ignore it!As a beginner just add two to three sets of 1-2 minutes and then increase the time accordingly.
This is why I jump rope ... Look at the muscle group you're working out.   2 min rest between sets  100skips x 3sets for beginners   150skips x 5sets for moderate  200skips x 7sets for advanced
5>Skipping- At a first look it will just look like a simple rope but if it is used in effective way,it can be very helpful in burning calories with multiple benefits.According to a famous athlete and gym owner of GOLD'S GYM -Shakti Kumar Yadav,10 minutes of skipping burns more calories than 45 minutes of running on treadmill or in park and along with that it also increases your heart rate that means help in working your heart in a better way.In beginning you might face difficulty but trust me if you continue do practice,it will become a habit and you will feel like that I have missed something today.Start by adding 3-4 sets of skipping and proceed accordingly.it can also be done by two persons. Just make it enjoyable.


  1. Now no reasons to ignore workout...
    Luv u guys😘

  2. Very good bro. You are doing a great job providing very useful information. Keep it up

  3. Very informative...Your advice really works. Keep blogging ❤


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